YDS Diyalog Testi 3 YDS Diyalog Testi, YDS Diyalog Soruları, YDS Diyalog Örnekleri YDS Diyalog Testi 3 Karen: I’m really nervous about giving my first big presentation at work tomorrow.Jack: Don’t worry, everyone feels that way before their first one. Have you practiced?Karen: —-Jack: That’s great! Just remember to take deep breaths and stay confident. A) Yes, I’ve gone over it several times and even practiced in front of a mirror. B) No, I’m afraid I might mess it up if I rehearse too much. C) I’m still working on the slides, so I haven’t had time to practice yet. D) Do you think practicing too much could make me sound unnatural? E) I’m thinking of just reading from my notes to avoid forgetting anything. None Tom: I’m planning to start learning Spanish. Do you think it’s hard to pick up?Sarah: Not really, especially if you practice consistently.Tom: —-Sarah: That’s a good idea. Immersion helps a lot when learning a new language. A) Should I consider taking a trip to a Spanish-speaking country? B) How long do you think it will take me to become fluent? C) Is it true that Spanish grammar is easier than English grammar? D) Do you think learning online is as effective as attending classes? E) Are there any specific books or resources you’d recommend? None Megan: I’ve been thinking of volunteering at the animal shelter. What do you think?Chris: That’s a wonderful idea! You’ll get to help animals and meet new people.Megan: —-Chris: Absolutely. They usually provide training to make sure you’re comfortable with the tasks. A) Should I call ahead to ask if they need volunteers right now? B) How many hours do you think I should commit each week? C) Will it be hard to balance it with my work schedule? D) Is it common to feel nervous about starting something like this? E) Do you think I need any special skills for that? None Daniel: I’ve been feeling really tired lately, even though I get enough sleep.Sophia: Maybe it’s your diet. Are you eating balanced meals?Daniel: —-Sophia: You might want to include more fruits and vegetables. That could help. A) I think so. I’ve been cutting down on snacks and sweets. B) I’ve been eating out a lot, so probably not. C) Do you think it could be related to stress instead? D) Actually, I’ve been drinking a lot of coffee to stay awake. E) What kind of meals would you recommend for more energy? None Emma: I’m thinking of joining the hiking club. Do you think it’s worth it?Liam: Definitely. It’s a great way to stay active and explore nature.Emma: —-Liam: That’s true, but most clubs provide equipment for beginners. A) Should I start with shorter hikes before joining the group? B) Do you think it’s suitable for someone who’s not very athletic? C) What kind of trails do they usually take? D) I’m worried I don’t have the right gear for hiking. E) Are there any fees involved in joining the club? None Time’s up