A2 Kelime Testi İngilizce 5 Test 5: Ulaşım ve Yol Tarifi A2 İngilizce Kelime Testi 5: Ulaşım ve Yol Tarifi What do you use to travel in the air? a) Car b) Train c) Bicycle d) Airplane e) Bus None Where do trains stop to pick up passengers? a) Bus stop b) Airport c) Train station d) Petrol station e) Supermarket None What do you call the place where planes take off and land? a) Hospital b) Train station c) Airport d) Garage e) Bus stop None What do traffic lights help control? a) Weather b) Water flow c) Traffic d) Electricity e) Air quality None What do you call the person who drives a taxi? a) Teacher b) Pilot c) Taxi driver d) Doctor e) Waiter None What do you need to enter a train or bus? a) Passport b) Ticket c) Receipt d) Newspaper e) Wallet None If you want to go straight, which direction do you follow? a) Left b) Right c) Forward d) Backward e) Around None What do you call a two-wheeled vehicle that you pedal? a) Car b) Motorcycle c) Bicycle d) Bus e) Train None Where do you walk to cross a street safely? a) Road b) Highway c) Sidewalk d) Zebra crossing e) Roundabout None What do you call the person who flies an airplane? a) Chef b) Driver c) Pilot d) Conductor e) Engineer None Time’s up