A2 Kelime Testi İngilizce 3 Test 3: Ev ve Ev Eşyaları A2 İngilizce Kelime Testi 3: Ev ve Ev Eşyaları What do you sleep on at night? a) Chair b) Bed c) Table d) Wardrobe e) Carpet None Where do you cook food in the kitchen? a) Wardrobe b) Sofa c) Cooker d) Bookshelf e) Mirror None What do you use to sit on in the living room? a) Table b) Chair c) Lamp d) Fridge e) Curtain None What do you use to clean the floor? a) Pillow b) Broom c) Clock d) Oven e) Sink None What do you keep in a wardrobe? a) Clothes b) Books c) Dishes d) Food e) Plants None Where do you store food to keep it cold? a) Microwave b) Sink c) Fridge d) Sofa e) Television None What do you look at to see your reflection? a) Window b) Lamp c) Mirror d) Sofa e) Television None What do you use to light up a room? a) Chair b) Cupboard c) Lamp d) Washing machine e) Door None What do you open to enter a room? a) Bed b) Window c) Door d) Table e) Sink None Where do you wash your hands in the bathroom? a) Sink b) Carpet c) Stove d) Sofa e) Fridge None Time’s up