A2 Kelime Testi İngilizce 2 Test 2: Aile ve Akrabalık İlişkileri A2 İngilizce Kelime Testi 2: Aile ve Akrabalık İlişkileri What do you call your mother’s brother? a) Uncle b) Cousin c) Nephew d) Grandfather e) Brother-in-law None Who is your father’s father? a) Grandfather b) Uncle c) Cousin d) Nephew e) Son None What is the female version of "brother"? a) Aunt b) Mother c) Sister d) Cousin e) Daughter None What do you call your sister’s son? a) Niece b) Cousin c) Nephew d) Uncle e) Brother-in-law None What is the opposite of "husband"? a) Wife b) Mother c) Son d) Aunt e) Sister None What do you call your mother’s mother?What do you call your mother’s mother? a) Grandmother b) Niece c) Cousin d) Aunt e) Step-mother None What is the male version of "daughter"? a) Nephew b) Brother c) Uncle d) Son e) Father None If you have a twin brother, what does it mean? a) You were born on the same day b) He is older than you c) He is your cousin d) He is your stepbrother e) He is your father’s son from another marriage None What do you call the child of your uncle? a) Cousin b) Nephew c) Niece d) Aunt e) Grandchild None What do you call your father’s sister? a) Aunt b) Niece c) Grandmother d) Daughter e) Cousin None Time’s up