YDS Diyalog Testi 8 YDS Diyalog Testi, YDS Diyalog Soruları, YDS Diyalog Örnekleri YDS Diyalog Testi 8 Liam: I’m planning to grow some herbs in my kitchen. Do you have any suggestions?Sophia: —-Liam: That’s a great idea. I’ll start with basil and parsley since I use them often in cooking.Sophia: Exactly. Once you’re comfortable, you can try growing more exotic ones. A) Start with herbs that are easy to maintain and that you’ll actually use. B) Should I invest in special pots for growing herbs indoors? C) Do you think sunlight is essential for all types of herbs? D) Is it better to grow herbs from seeds or buy small plants? E) How do I ensure that herbs grow well in small spaces? None Rachel: I’ve been trying to learn Spanish on my own, but I’m struggling with pronunciation.Ethan: —-Rachel: I like that idea. It’s easier to pick up the accent when you hear native speakers.Ethan: Exactly. Watching movies or listening to podcasts can also help a lot. A) Should I focus more on grammar or vocabulary in the beginning? B) Why not try practicing with a native speaker or joining a language exchange? C) Do you think attending a class would improve my pronunciation? D) How important is it to practice speaking every day? E) Is it better to learn new words through apps or traditional methods? None Emma: I’ve been thinking of switching to a vegetarian diet, but I’m not sure where to start.Chris: You could begin by cutting out meat a few days a week instead of all at once.Emma: —-Chris: Exactly. Gradually adapting will make the transition much easier. A) That sounds manageable. Do you think it’s hard to get enough protein without meat? B) Should I replace meat with plant-based substitutes right away? C) Is it better to consult a nutritionist before making such changes? D) How do I ensure I’m still getting all the necessary nutrients? E) What’s the first step I should take to prepare for this change? None Alex: I want to start a podcast, but I don’t know what topics to cover.Julia: —-Alex: That’s a great point. I’ll list my interests and think about what I can offer listeners.Julia: Once you’ve chosen a niche, focus on being consistent with your episodes. A) How important is it to have a co-host for a successful podcast? B) Should I invest in professional equipment right away? C) Do you think podcasts are still popular enough to attract listeners? D) Why not start with topics you’re passionate about or have expertise in? E) Is it better to focus on a single theme or cover a variety of subjects? None Ella: I’m not sure what kind of gift to get for my best friend’s birthday. Any ideas?David: Think about her hobbies or interests. What does she like to do in her free time?Ella: —-David: That’s perfect! A set of art supplies would be thoughtful and practical. A) How much should I spend on a birthday gift for a close friend? B) Should I get her something practical or more sentimental? C) Is it better to ask her directly what she’d like as a gift? D) What do you think about giving her a handmade gift instead? E) She loves painting and spends a lot of time working on her art projects. None Time’s up